How I Lost 40 kg's
Let's run through my lifestyle prior to me starting my fat loss expedition, to the changes that I made in the first 3 months to kick start my 40 kilogram fat loss.
You probably wondering what my secret is, right?
Well, I hate to break it to you, I don’t have a secret. Everything I share with you here, on my podcast and on my social media accounts is my secret…
The creation of a healthier lifestyle!
Let’s rewind to any day before 4 January 2016:
My food choices were takeaways 7 days per week.
The most activity I did was walking to and from my car from my apartment.
4 out of the 7 nights in a week I was in a pub drinking.
Most weekends I was hungover as f**k.
The closest thing I got to as water consumption, was mango juice or creme soda.
For several years I tried multiple quick fixes…
And then on the morning of the 1st of January 2016 I had had enough!
Enough of my own bullshit.
Enough of clothes not fitting me.
Enough of having no energy.
Enough of my own excuses.
Enough of my victim mentality.
Enough of quitting.
So as you can see, my lifestyle and health were horrendous, so I figured any changes that I make would benefit me and my health…
And I didn’t have to do anything drastic!
And that lead to the following, gradual, changes:
Food choices
Instead of having takeaways I cooked at home.
I started adding more veggies and protein to my meals.
I started eating more fruit
When I did eat out, I made smart choices at the restaurants.
I reduced my fun foods, and focused on whole foods.
For the first two months I focused purely on my daily steps.
I was mindful around moving more.
I walked to the shop instead of driving.
I got up 15 minutes earlier and walked around my apartment.
I did 7 minutes of body workouts each day.
I did NOT go straight into running.
I did NOT go straight into the gym.
I started small with daily step targets I set for myself.
*For those who are thinking: “Oh, but Mandy, you work for yourself so you have time” - I want to correct you there - At the time of my fat loss, I had a full time office job, just like most of you out there.
Liquid Calories
I started drinking more water and less sugary drinks.
I stopped drinking alcohol for the first two months.
I’ll repeat that:
I STOPPED drinking alcohol for the first two months!
The reason for that choice was not purely because of the calories in the alcohol, but more so because of how the alcohol effected my mood, my actions, my energy and my behaviors.
I didn’t stop going out - I just made smarted choices when I was out.
I didn’t get upset when the number on the scale fluctuated.
I didn’t give up when something didn’t go according to play.
I practiced patience.
I created consistency in all of the above.
I focused on creating healthy habits.
I set myself reachable targets.
I didn’t put a timeframe on my change.
I reminded myself that I was making lifelong changes.
Listen to the episode where I chat about how long it took me to lose 40kgs.
Friendly side note:
In a world where everyone is so woke and people beat around the bush, let me be the one to remind you:
Success does require:
Hard work.
Saying NO to things that don’t align with your goals.
Doing things that you don’t feel like doing.
Showing up for yourself even on the sh!tty days.
And so much more!
Much Love