Why My 40kg Loss Was Successful?
Many ask me this one question and that is "What do you think lead to your successful weight loss?" - Let me answer that for you.
How did I successfully lose 40 kilograms?
Here’s to the short and most important answer:
I just did NOT QUIT!
The biggest problem is…
People, and maybe you too, quit way too easily.
As soon as things get tough, people call it a day and say “This isn’t for me”
No matter what goal you are working on…
If you quit each time it gets difficult;
It is going to be damn difficult to succeed.
This thing called health & fat loss is not easy. Whoever has given you that idea has either never had to lose a lot of weight or change their lifestyle, or they are just lying to you.
Here’s the thing:
It is going to be difficult.
There are going to be speed bumps.
There are going to be hurdles.
There are going to be difficult days / weeks / months.
It is not smooth sailing.
But, quitting doesn’t make it any easier either!
So here are so tips to make it seem a bit more doable:
1 - Stop doing restrictive diets.
2 - Stop doing excessive amounts of cardio that you hate just to lose fat.
3 - Be willing to learn from the difficult days and your stumbles.
I made a video about how I started my 40 kg loss and how I didn’t quit - Watch it now.
With any goal that you are working on:
Decide what you want.
And be fuck**n relentless about it.
Anything worth having doesn’t just fall into your lap.
Much Love
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